white is the new black
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_____ As she motioned towards the bag slung over her shoulder, Pilot turned his gaze towards it – peering as if somehow the miracle of writing would suddenly be revealed to him. He was definitely excited to continue their lessons, and hoped that maybe he would even be able to learn something of writing. "So, would you like to continue on then? I don’t want to keep you for too long, since I’m sure both our packs will be missing us sooner or later," he told her with a small grin.

_____ He took a seat on the soft grass, crossing his legs in an Indian style posture as one hand absentmindedly found the necklace that hung from twine around his neck. Aside from the Monroe piercing in his lip, it was the only piece of jewelry that he wore. Both held great meaning to him and served as a reminder of the person whom gave it to him. As he waited for Tayui to situate herself, Pilot found himself continually glancing towards her eyes. Bi-colored, like Dierdre’s, they intrigued him and he wondered if perhaps his children may inherit the same thing. That was, if he and Dierdre ever decided to have children. Maybe it was a little too early to think of that just yet.

_____ "Dierdre and I were supposed to visit my family this fall, but now with her being sick and all, I’m not sure it’s going to happen anymore. After all, fall is coming to a close pretty soon. And traveling in the snow wouldn’t be too smart." He spoke as friends, just keeping the conversation light and happy as they prepared to continue teaching each other things. Little did he know that Tayui was also writing a history of the individual packs. It would be something that would also spark his interest.


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