you see all my light, and you love my dark

Alexey obeyed her good friend's soft spoken invitation, her smile never fading as she pushed the wooden door open with her nose. Excitement grew within her then, fox-like tail wagging a little faster. Kol was a pearl, unique and beautiful in every way. The Circee couldn't help but wonder how she had gone so long without seeing her, suddenly feeling guilty for spending so much time out of the pack lands. Poking her head into the master bedroom, she released a high-pitched yip as if to say hello before climbing onto the bed.

Golden eyes watched the Stormbringer femme for a moment, assessing the new wounds adorning her body; lesions that certainly didn't come from the initial fight with Inferni. Instinctively, she sought out the Bluet's gaze for some kind of explanation, anything that could explain her current condition. A pained look crossed her face as the tawny girl noticed the laceration Hybrid Holocaust had inflicted upon her friend; it might've been healing slowly, but it still hurt to see how close Kol had gotten to losing her eye that day.

Alexey affectionately curled up close to the ebony she-wolf, using the other woman's back as a headrest. Sighing deeply, she finally mustered up the strength to ask about the most recent wounds. "What happened?"


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