he's got the skill of a nazi
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/p ... -tbl-1.jpg); background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;">

Lengthily limbs allowed tall figure to manoeuvre and make his way over and around sharp obstacles that were known as the dry, harsh terrain of the mountain range called Halcyon. Thick, voluminous fur of pure obsidian contrasted greatly with the warm hued, dusty surroundings, however the foggy evening aura that had settled in allowed him to somewhat blend into the darkened surroundings near him. "Here bunny-bunny-bunny.." Deep, masculine; almost demonic vocals vibrated forth from broad chest in a taunting sing-song like manner as massive figure continued his strides between and over crevices, ears flickering atop of cranium as snakes rattled, and birds and other small creatures went silent around the being from hell. Head was tossed in a playful manner, a large rose to remove hair-like mane strangs from his eyes as fur tossled about, sharp, masculine features were defined with hypnotic blood-hued eyes- a beast indeed.

Massive paws stopped to allow him to idly claw away at the surface of a boulder, slashing a marks upon it as he sharpened his weapons for the kill. A snarl of irritance was heard before he continued forwards, arrogant swing still seen within the massive bastard’s gait; his swagger of confidence rather similar to that of a horse’s. Sighing heavily he paused a little while later to allow ears to flicker atop of head, large beast falling still as the sound of small feet scurried away. A vile smirk appeared upon features before he crouched down upon all fours now, the rabbit could run, until it tired, and it could hide until he sniffed it out, or if it was stupid enough, it could fight back- until he broke its neck. Grinning maliciously he charged forwards, long body sprawling out as he soared through the air and a most disturbing sound of fear squealed from the small mammal before it darted off. Cackling he just trotted along after it, enjoying the horrifying taunt he gave this small creature; oh there was no fun in life without a little fear and torment.

Snickering lightly to himself jaws parted and dark violet tongue lolled forwards as he leapt once more, landing in front of the animal as it hurriedly darted another way. Swiftly Adonis darted around it, cackling as he basically herded the creature around in circles before it gave up and collapsed. Snickering he tossed his head and moved to grasp the rabbit, sinking abnormally long canines into its neck and breaking it a moment later. Mmm, life was good. Sighing the male then turned, tongue lolled the blood from his powerful jaws as paws carried him back towards a clearing of the boulders set up by nature. Bones scattered the small area he had unofficially claimed as his own as he adjusted the rabbit within his jaws and paused to settle himself before a large rock. Large paws reached above his head as he easily managed to reach the top of the boulder before hauling his lazy ass up to perch upon it. Moments later, the insane bastard dug into his evening snack, ears continuing to flicker in absent attention towards anything that might be approaching.. But then again, when he gorged himself with anything consisting of warm flesh he was not at his more attentive status.


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