I have been a world apart
Iskata hadn't exactly known what to expect from the greyscale lass that had newly become like family, but the words that did emerge were not what she'd pictured. She sat there silently as she tried to recover from what the girl had said and when she finally did there was nothing to do but just breath in and breath out. She smiled softly at the girl before her as she settled herself down, offering no words to Anu for a moment.

Finally she turned her eyes back to the younger woman as she asked, "Are you certain?" the words were soft, but she couldn't keep her gaze on the other as she continued. "You know, love is suppose to be forever.. " Her voice grew hard as she gazed out the window at the rain that poured down on the late summer night. "Do you have forever to give to her?" She couldn't help but think of the last soul who'd believed they'd loved her daughter forever.. but that fairytale had ended quickly. Harsh and cold with pains that love should never have to endure.

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