Iskata had been sitting crosslegged on a dune along the shore watching the stranger fishing in the waters. She had been quietly thinking about the last time she'd seen anyone attempting to fish with poles.. there were only two souls besides herself that came to mind, two souls she missed quite a bit. It had been seasons since she'd seen the grey wolf and moons since she'd seen the hybrid lass that was closest to her, yet farthest away. She closed her eyes and sighed softly, wondering where the world kept taking those she held dear, yet knowing there was no point in wondering since it never really gave her an answer.

Her sun shot sky eyes openned again as she watched the male attempting to land a large one by the pull on the line. Her own ears pricked forward with interest, yet the moment was lost as the fish got away. She smirked at the idea, remembering how many had got away from the lines that Faolin and she had used. With Tsunami she'd had better luck, but perhaps she wasn't giving the poor bloke a chance yet.

Rising to her feet as the winds whipped around the soft silky sundress, brushing against her silver and gold fur as the lady made her way towards the odd stranger. His appearance was slightly like a coyote yet with sharper edges. She didn't know what to think or even if he was dangerous, but she was curious and she couldn't sit on the dune forever watching the tawny hued male.

Her soft voice broke between the waves, "You fish often..." she asked. Such a strange thing to say to a male you never knew, but it wasn't everyday you caught a queer looking fellow attempting to catch fish in such a fashion.

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