crisp walks

Her smile widened as he slowed to acknowledge her, offering a light dip of her head in response to his own greeting. Turning to better face him she took a moment to look over his form, from his tattered jeans to his detailed, jet-black markings that made their way from his face down to his arm, and chest, and perhaps even further if she had cared to look longer for her attention went back to his handsome face, and intriguing gray-black eyes, as he spoke once more. No, she replied with an amused, yet undeniably grateful due to his interest by stopping to ask such things, edge to her voice. I just thought it would be nice to better acquaint myself with others, seeing as I have only met a few during my time here, in Bleeding Souls. She explained, offering her hand as she spoke once more. My name is Alarice, she introduced, giving a pause in hopes that the cream colored stranger would reveal his own name.


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