For a moment, life could be simple


Few moments passed before her self-reflection became troublesome. There were times where she was truly whiling to rethink her actions, and plan the changes that were to be taken place within herself, but then there were time where it was all to complicated. Life had become overwhelming, and as she examined her position, it was just easier to ignore it and go with the flow. As much as she wanted to consider herself an easygoing wolf, there was a small need for control.

Thankfully she was not left to her own devices for long and her thoughts were interrupted by her new packmate. He was easy to recognize, coat color, eyes a and then of course his size set him apart from the rest. He was a native to the Twilight Vale pack, an idea that intimidated her a bit. She hated to be the newcomer, even with her relationship with the alpha female.

He spoke her name, make her turn to face him. Looking up to his face she gave him a smile. He was tall, towering over her small four-legged form. It was rare for her to be shifted when so close to Naniko. She kept her form identical to the white fey’s for her comfort as well as her own.

”Yes.” She was indeed Anu, but she was having trouble placing his name. “I am embarrassed to say I did not catch your name.” she kept her smile, hoping to seem innocent enough.


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