I have been a world apart
She knew the younger woman was watching her and waiting for the reply she hoped was coming. The only problem was that Iskata didn't have the answer to give. She wasn't Naniko's keeper and though she wished her children the best in love she couldn't help but feel the pain of the loves she'd lost and pray they would never suffer the same... though already it seemed the brokenhearted was one that some of her blood would know.

Her eyes turned back to watch Anu as she gave her confession. Iskata wished that there was more she could do or say but she didn't know what the girl wanted from her. She wasn't going to deny them love, it wasn't hers to take or give and she'd never be that selfish to try. She turned her eyes away, trying to fight the pain that was bringing mist to her sky orbs as she spoke. "He said that once you know.. to me." She wasn't even for certain how much of Naniko's past the lady knew but she could remember like it was yesterday.

Once the little boy so happily tracking into Clouded Tears all wrapped up in a scarf he had so wanted to give to Naniko. Tripping over the ends and yet so determined to bring the creamy hued pup his prize. She shook her head and closed her eyes, wishing that the past could just fade away. "He said all those words once.. he wanted to be everything for her.."

Iskata wasn't for certain who all was to blame in the pains that had befallen Naniko's and Conri's relationship, and perhaps it was wrong to bring them up now.. but she did. "And if you couldn't be faithful.. or Naniko? Then what?" She'd never guessed that those events would have happened the last time.. but what if it would happen again, would Anu be able to take the pain, or admit her wrongs.. whatever the cause or reason.

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