that blue, blue sky
His eyes focused and unfocused as she spoke, his words were bitter as he spoke truthfully. "Enough of the world already has.. enough of those in these lands want me to choose.." He was a decent guy, she had that much right, his only problem was the fact that he'd chosen to walk a line that was hard to live by.. to belong to neither and yet be half of both. He shook his head as he tilted his face towards hers, a sad yearning in his voice as he asked. "How can I be a whole when I'm two halves that bred hatred towards one another?" He studied her face a moment before turning away.

He didn't want to admit it but he did as he knew she was watching him, "You'll learn if you stay here long enough.. folks like us.. we have to bend who we are or break. They'll make you choose.." his voice was bitter as he told her what it was like for him.. but he'd never stopped to think it could have been as much the wars and the family fueds involved as much as the blood he caries in his veins.

He silently watched her as she turned back to lying back and relaxing. The words she'd spoken made him sit there and try and figure out if it was the fact that she was like him that she thought that or if she could really see beyond his face and what he resembled. He leaned over, balancing his upper weight on his arms as he leaned his face over Ryan's. "Just an ordinary decent guy?" he asked, his tone seemingly disappointed that he was 'just' another decent guy. He didn't know why he'd done it, why he'd attempted to tease the woman after the options she'd dropped in his lap, but she seemed almost like someone he'd grown up with, or could have. Something made him wish he had.. maybe life wouldn't seem so lonely if he'd had a friend so long ago.

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