early morning
The male smiled as he stood up putting his hand out to the beast, he had never seen any thing of the sorts like it. He knew that the black lady was sitting upon it, and they both seemed to enjoy it. Was this only something that female could do? The male looked to the silver eyed lady as he was asked about the pack that was here only a matter of days ago. ”It wasn’t just one thing that brought the pack down, there was many that added to the chain of bring the pack down. “ The male could mark it with the threesome that he had with Naniko and Kansas, then when Conri had raped Naniko, and he was forced to leave the pack, nothing was right after that. His heart wasn’t in the pack any more and by the looks of it he wasn’t the only one that had felt that way.

Nodding as she told him of her trek to get here, the male offered up a smile to her. ”Well, welcome to Souls. I hope that you find every thing you need, and that no one stand in the way of you and your family coming back together. I know how it feels not to have your family around.” Where ever Hymm was, and where ever Charm was, he wished them both love and saftly. Only with a hope that one day they would come back to these lands.

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