Pause and wait for me.
Have fun playing with Agani's volume level ;D

But I love you.

He left the Dampwoods behind, though he did not know it at the time. Arachnea's Revenge was so similar to the skeletal, sweeping trees, and he was unaware of the established borders, and all he wanted was to find the things he knew again. Safety and security and home. He badly needed them back again.

I meant it, I meant it.

Fox and Umaru had been his travelling companions for so long, he never knew what it was to be really alone. And suddenly Umaru was gone, off to apprentice another poor fool with another sob story into his craft, and Agani was left without the lands he knew like his own feet, wandering this place that he was only drawn to because Tayui was here.

Tayui, and Ember, and family and home. He wanted them back.

A shadow against a tree barely startled him. He was used to them, the pale, bloodless ones that tried to drag him in pretending to be something else. Something alive. He didn't want to see their faces anymore, but that would involve the removal of his eyes... Ears were one thing, eyes were an entirely different story. He liked seeing, thanks very much. Instead, he made to turn away, but noticed something.

The stripe, the carriage, the smile on a face that he thought was otherworldly. It was no ghost nor spirit nor even a gremlin trying to play tricks on him; it was his mother. Or the closest thing to it. He laughed. He couldn't help it, it escaped him before he could stop it, but he was frozen in place, feet set precariously, hands clenched on the strap of his bag.

I told you I'd take you to her, didn't it?


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