one day fly over me
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She was pleased with his acceptance of the fact that she was going to travel to the packs alone, offering him a very faint smile to show it. If anything at all, Ayegali trusted that if Tsigili was sent out to find Itsihnalv, he would do everything in his power to get to her as quickly as possible. She liked to think that it wouldn't be needed, that they might find peace in the lands and be able to finally settle down, but it was a relief to know it none-the-less. Of course, she also knew that her brother wasn't an idiot. Even he would have to realize that she hadn't expected him to show up, that she would have been going in alone with no one to send Tsigili out to for help. Even so, she had faith in her own strength and had long ago learned that losing her faith would cause her to lose her life, that wasn't to say that she was arrogant about her skill.

"I don't think so." She answered with a faint shake of her head. "You're the first familiar face that I have seen." Ayegali knew that the Tribe had left the lands in separate bunches, some taking much longer to accept the fact that they had to leave, to say their farewells and be able to move on. "Do you think Dohi will follow when he realizes you are ahead of the rest of them?" She asked then, unable to really decide for herself. They were all very close but Dohi was an unpredictable one. Normally it all just weighed on whether he felt like doing it or not. "I don't imagine it will be much longer before others start arriving. That means I need to get to work soon. I don't want to get their hopes up by staying to long, in case it really isn't safe."


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