Ahren talking to himself made me laugh. XD
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_____He wasn't so oblivious to the fact that someone was coming up on him because it was fairly common. It seemed like the only time people walked up on him was when he was out in the open either lost in thought, half out of his mind from a good drink, or trying to do something. But the thing that got him this time was the fact of who it was walking up on him. He had really no more changed hands with the tambourine to put it back in the wagon when Ahren had spoke up from over his shoulder, leaving the older man to promptly drop what he was doing mentally to focus in on him.

_____It seemed like he was better, though Laurel wondered if he was cured. He remembered the gold-haired girl talking about giving them things, he knew that Endymion was giving them things, and now that they had Khaden, their chances of getting things fixed around seemed higher. So many it was natural to see that one of the four sickly things crawling around were feeling better. Nikita was still staggering around, anyway. “I might be,” he returned steadily, letting a faint smile spread across his features. “Are you a music man lookin’ to join?”


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