I can feel his approach like a fire in my blood

no fail :o
316 words

He came bolting out of nowhere, his fur so much better for blending than her own. Although his still wasn't dark enough to blend completely, he had a much greater chance than Mew. He looked different in his current form, and she was still uncertain regarding why she'd called him. Why had she? What did she have to say? She'd wanted to call for him, and she was glad he had come, but not she diden't know what to do. besides getting away from this place. Her posture was tense where she stood, arms wrapped around herself. As usually she was naked, in contrast to that trend of clothing that many who preferred the optime form followed. This day she felt truly naked though; she had left her guitar and the little sachel for sheets back in the den. It was this that caused her to protect herself against some invisible threat by shielding herself with her upper arms. There was, however, the very much visible threat from inferni close by, and her fur was on edge. She looked at him, and smiled at his concern. The questions remained unanswered, however, because she didn't know what to say, or why she had done this. She put her hand on his neck, as a greeting, and in lack of knowing what else to do.

Let's leave this place. I don't feel safe.

She'd just shifted into this form, but she wanted to get away from here quickly. She knew it'd drain her energy, but it was needed. Mew was experienced in shifting, but he process still took her a good three-four minutes. All the while her eyes studied the face of the male in front of her, while they slowly became level with his. Without a word she nudged his neck and darted southeast, away from the pressing danger of inferni. The ocean would make her calm.


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