darkness becomes

Adelaida heard his words, and while she was sympathetic, she was by no means empathetic. She couldn’t understand. Adelaida wouldn’t even admit that she was part of the problem. It was unfortunate DaVinci felt this way, that he had to live with such anguish. However, it was not the fault of her, or others like her, as far as Adelaida was concerned. Instead it was the coyote’s fault. As many things wrong in her world was. It coyotes were kept in line, or did not exist, than there would be no pairings of coyotes and wolves, whether consensual or forced. If no such pairings happened, no such half breed children, such a DaVinci, would exist, then they would never have to know the torment of being born of two very different cultures, two cultures that often found cause to clash. “I’m sorry.” Adelaida spoke sincerely, but whether she was sorry DaVinci had to live this way, or that he was born that way, she wasn’t sure. “What should we do with you? What do you do with yourself?”


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