struttin into town like your slingin a gun

What exactly do you want him to do to her, as far as wounds go?

     He had caught her scent before the call rang out. That woman was here, of all places. What in the hell was she doing? There was no reason for her to be here. “Unless she’s after something,” he mused to himself. “, and we can’t have that.” For the moment, at least, he was lucky. Laurel had gone off to the city again, and his companion was probably sleeping heavily (she, it seemed, had also caught the illness). The blonde was still not completely cured himself, but the disease was on its last legs. His chest still hurt and random pain would shoot through his body, but this was nothing new. It had been the same coming off of heroine. It had been worse.
     Above, the clouds rolled again and a distant rumble of thunder signaled that a storm was coming. It was just as well. They needed the rain, and the rain would suit his purpose. Even now, he knew what he was doing. He approached downwind, well aware she would probably remember him. That someone had told her his name. Smiling thinly, the sort of smile a half-mad stranger might give an unwilling companion, he closed the gap between them. “Aren’t you a little far from home?”


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