Simple Design

Her body was still locked waiting to jolt muscles into a swift reaction to the possible unfriendly, but his responses dropped her level of alertness. He didn't seem vindictive or angry, and he was wolf so there shouldn't have been any real reason to be worried. Her muscles relaxed but she kept her eyes fixed on her unexpected companion. He seemed genuine in his curiosity of the human world, especially this strange contained forest. She agreed that the strange objects smelled strange and their colors were even more alarming in contrast to the earth hues of the trees and grass about them. She was surprised she hadn't stumbled over the area before since it was barely a stones throw from her little blue house. Her eyes warmed up to the stranger on the exterior, making herself radiate confidence and grace rather than the unstable neediness that lay just under the surface. She found herself supporting the idea of coming off as proud and independent rather than pathetic. She didn't need the sympathy if she was to get over any of the emotional damage she had laying around.

I've been around her about a month I would say. I'm not from around here, in fact, I'm kind of out of place if I might say so. I've been living here in the city for a bit, but I only ran across some Lykoi pup. There hasn't been much activity around here. That is why you caught me by surprise. Her long legs padded closer to the other wolf, letting an arrogance almost creep into her body language. It was evident in the way she tossed her head up, stretched out her body, and lashed her tail around sensually. India felt stronger acting this way and the scar on her leg wasn't even noticeable so out of sight and out of mind applied. It put her confidence up enough so she wasn't concerned anymore. The act was fooling even herself and she came as close as bumping her nose against this strange wolf and smiling charmingly.

Are you out here by mere curiosity or to think? I suppose this place is good for both.

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