I have been a world apart
Iskata's eyes were drawn to the rain that beat softly on the window pane as Anu spoke. She had no doubt that Anu may love her daughter, she was a good woman but Iskata didn't want to think about how quickly it seemed that Naniko had moved on from the past. She believed that it was a good thing that her daughter had moved on, but she hadn't thought it would have been possible to move on so quickly.

The words Anu said beat on her ears and streamed into her thoughts as she silently sat there drifting in her thoughts. Unlike her daughter who could push the past away and move on Iskata was the complete opposite. She was surrounded by the past at all times, faces of the past, memories.. even her children. The thought that it was possible to move on so quickly was strange to her yet she wondered if she could ever become so at ease with moving on.

Turning her sky hued orbs back to Anu Iskata was at a loss, she couldn't tell the woman no, it was obvious that she was taking a chance with this love, one that she wasn't even for certain would pay off in the end. She sighed softly and just gave in. "No, you're not him, you're something strange and new.." she said quietly. She knew the woman was a kind and gentle soul, but she'd believed the same of Conri and in a heartbeat he'd changed.

Her voice was firm as she spoke, "There's nothing I can give you, you're a woman grown, this is your choice and her's..." She closed her eyes and just listened to the drumming on the roof as she went on. "I wish you love and happiness. Strength to endure and wisdom to learn from mistakes. I hope when trials do come yourway that you'll learn to work together to get through them.." She left them with the only thing she could, a prayer that they could make it on their own. The Silver and Gold woman was at a loss on why they turned towards her when it was her children's hearts they sought. Perhaps there was truth enough in her title as Matriarch, yet she could never hold onto the ones she loved long enough to know truly.

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