backwards flow
DaVinci waited silently as they waited on the other to join them. He wasn't certain what to expect but the words the woman granted him was nothing like what he'd expect from a leader. Sparks of anger flashed in his eyes as he growled softly at the rude words he'd been granted. It wasn't the first time that he'd been met with those types of words or feelings. His life had been filled with discouragement from others and now this was nothing new. While his mother explained he sat there quietly and waited to find out just what the woman was going to say to the news that her fellow leader's child was a halfbreed.

His stormy eyes turned to the lady with the multihued orbs and waited. The anger at her words still burned in his eyes but had faded to a soft simmer as time slowly passed. Just another view from the world that he tried to hide from so often.. and another reminded on why he hadn't settled into the packlife that so many others seemed to need.

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