she will be loved.
She still wasn't use to the respect others paid her when they entered the lands, knowing he was a leader or not she could barely remember a time in any other pack where others had submitted so. She nodded to the male and just wished that he'd get himself up off the damp earth, just the thought of laying there made her joints want to ache. It took him a moment longer than she wished but soon enough he had taken in the sign and moved forward to join her. Her eyes lit merrily at the sarcasm that he displayed at the world about them. "Watch it, Mother Nature doesn't appreciate critisism too often.." she said with a grin as she paused a few steps before the male.

She could almost misplace him as Ember as close as they were now with those emerald eyes and dark pelt but she knew better. Shaking her head softly as the rain began to pick up she laughed and raised a brow at the male. "I hate to say I told you so.." she said with a wink. Flicking droplets of rain from her ears she realized that she hadn't introduced herself. She felt suddenly silly at having forgotten but she really hadn't been outside the packlands in a while and had almost grown to a point of forgetting that everyone didn't know her. "I'm sorry, I'm Iskata, Matriarch of Phoenix Valley." she said suddenly, wondering just who the stranger who she'd happened upon might be.

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