light a candle -aw-
They are in a lighthouse right? Yay for lighthouses.. PV has one too.. though I haven't posted the territory info for it yet.

DaVinci had been sitting on the old spiral staircase that wrapped along the inside of the Lighthouse and up towards the light deck that had long been retired. He'd been picking at the rust of the steps as the storm brewed. The boy had learned after being out to sea for so long when the storms were going to hit. His ears were ringing with the sound of the fury that was about to beat down on the coast. He'd been trying to figure out where in the world his wayward sister was. His conversation with Deuce had came to one point, they had to find the girl and rid her of the puppies before the birth of them was going to rid the world of her.

Suddenly his mind was brought out of the thoughts as the entrance came crashing open and a creamy grey figure was highlighted by the flash of lightning that rocked the building. His stormy hued eyes caught sight of her as the sound of the rains began to spatter on the world beyond them in the sheltered ancient beacon. He spoke softly, not really concerned by the interuption of his alone time. "Hello.." his voice was deep and low, almost dark yet there was nothing dark about the boy except his brooding nature at the moment.

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