drunk with vivid flame
http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj31 ... el/t36.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

_____Whatever it was, it seemed to bring out the things that he had never wanted to know. The things that he had never dug into, things that really didn't mean anything to him. Ahren had obviously killed in his past and it seemed like Nikita had some rocky patch in her own life. It left him wondering if there was anything in his background that he was honestly hiding; anything that he could have possibly forgotten about in any other limelight. As the camp came back into sight, he noted how quiet it was, how merely idyllic it seemed to be. Even the sick had quieted down a bit more, no doubt what was being passed around was helping.

_____“Who knows,” he answered, “whatever this thing is, it's throwing more curve balls than a pitching machine.” One minute they were violently ill, unable to keep anything in and down their throats and now they were running loose across the countryside seeing things out of their past with no recollection of the present. Letting his arm slip from her shoulders when they were back in the depth of the camp site, he sighed and looked around. “Whatever Endymion and Ahren's kid have been giving out seem to be working though. So maybe it'll help you too.”


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