
     Even if Laurel had not offered him the violin, Ahren would probably have kept it. He missed the feel of string and horsehair, the sound of music, even in small bits. He missed these things because they reminded him of so many other things he had lost along the way. Smiling faintly and putting the instrument back with the others, he spoke. “Sure. I’ll help with the rest of them too, if you want.”
     At the next few words, the smile turned a shade darker, hinting at the madness still deeply imbued in his blood. One hand moved in a subtle motion, and he pushed his hair back behind an ear. “I’m all right. Better then I was. And really,” he added as a chunk of his bangs fell back. “, don’t worry about it. I would have done the same thing.” Oh he would have. Ahren, above all people, knew what he was capable of. What he had done, and what he could do. What was coming around the corner like an eighteen wheeler.


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