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_____Laurel nodded when Ahren mentioned that Laruku could play the piano, recalling his conversation with the hybrid prior to him turning up in the Hollow. “I met him about a week before you brought him here. He was reading over sheet music then,” which was one of many things that Laurel couldn't read, which was funny in itself. “I told him I was going to find this one bar that I saw that had one. It had a little bit of everything, really, like one of those saloons you'd see way out west. Had a stage, even.” Which when Ahren suggested that they wrangle up a few others that could play, made the play even more desirable to find once again. There was little doubt in his mind that they had some musicians in their motley group.

_____“Poe told me that she could play the fiddle too, so maybe we could give her the smaller one. I think she'd be all over something like that, knowing her.” She just had that kind of spirit, he had found that to be one of the familiar things about her, though he wasn't sure why. They had probably crossed paths somewhere before, just like he had probably crossed paths with many others that could have been around. Anyone who was well travelled enough ran that chance. But he reckoned if they could round up enough people, they would certainly have something worthwhile to do, something that would pull back the depressing drape that had been cast over them.


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