backwards flow
DaVinci stared at the woman who was suppose to be his mother's equal in rank and a fellow leader of the pack. He wanted to sneer at her but refrained from showing how disgusted he was with the words she spoke. Assuming that he was going to harm a single member of the pack. His ears flicked back to his mother as she mentioned his relationship to Magdalena and Firefly, he hadn't even asked about Mags when they'd met here but there were more pressing matters than small talk of family and catching up on the past.

Nodding to his mother as she made to leave he figured he'd hold his words until she'd excused herself. He watched her move off into the distance and down the red dirt road before he turned his stormy orbs back to the woman at hand. He wasn't for certain what to think of her though it was obvious what she thought of him. "You can assume what you want of me, but you don't know who I am... and you probably never will." he said with cold disgust in his voice at how she believed he'd turn on her or another of their precious pack.

He shook his head and figured he might as well explain everything before they began to tear at eachother's throats. "Firefly was raped. I'm not for certain but I think she's pregant, atleast she seems to be afraid she is.." He shook his head in annoyance at having to speak of it all again. "She doesn't want the pups but she's half lost her mind and won't show her face to anyone now.." His stormy eyes flared as he lowered his head in defeat, admitting the truth of everything. "I don't want to see this happen again, I don't want to know another child was born of the same chain of events that brought me into this world." he knew nothing of puppies and pregnancies.. but he knew that his sister needed help.

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