cancer for the cure; J
[html](( EDIT: x_x I fail. I just figured out how to edit. Gah. Doubly sorry.
Agh, sorry, I didn't realise posts couldn't be edited. >.< Yrael's about 50%; his parents were both half-coyote, but you couldn't tell it by looking at him. He just looks like a smallish wolf. ))

Easing back into an gentle lope, Yrael continued on his way; pawsteps a-weaving, meandering along the muddied, windswept earth, he moved with a carefree swagger in his stride. His body language suggested calm neutrality, tail dropped and head out, and his demeanor seemed nice enough. Polite, content. Indeed -- at first glance, he looked quite the picture of dignity and respect.

But those eyes.

Yrael's eyes were alight with an unearthly fire, dancing and flashing maliciously in the dull illumination. Rage gleamed there, hatred, loathing, disgust -- and evil. What terrors lurked within those sockets; what insurmountable vileness. This was no simple coyote. No, no. This was Yrael.

Oh yes, he could play nice. Would play nice, for the time being. He needed this opportunity, and the rules were simple enough; lying low was something Yrael excelled at, and either way, with no past to return to and no obligations -- what could it hurt to try? Yes, he would act the part, and act it well. He would do it with style; he would do it with grace. With that certain precision of work he took so much pride in, he would use Inferni as a cover. Serve the pack well, he would -- yes, even take some pride in it. But loyalty?


He wouldn't openly betray the coyotes, of course, far from it. But trust was something Yrael could not bring himself to believe in, and there was no reason for that to change now. Yrael needed the Inferni for a reason, and he would hold up his end of the deal. He always did.
"Something interesting up there?"
A harsh voice severed Yrael's ponderings, making him twitch imperceptibly. Must be calm, must calm, he reminded himself. Breath deep. He turned his gaze, the glow from his mismatched eyes cutting through the darkness like teeth, blue and gold against the grey solemnity of rain and fog. Water blurred his vision, trailing down his face like tears. He blinked.

"Not in particular," the heavily tattooed hybrid replied, sharp bark of a voice faint against the din of thunder and pouring rain, "I just like the rain."

With those few brief words, Yrael slowed to an easy walk, picking his way between boulders and muck, eyes glued to the figure on the blackened horizon. There was no doubt in his mind of the authority of the creature compared to him; so proud, so tall, he stood, compared to Yrael's reduced stance. Not that Yrael was intimidated in the slightest -- although as a precaution he let his tail fall further, averted his other's gaze respectfully.

"In all due respect, I wished to talk to your leader."

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