never discovered
Oh, my, my, you're oh so sly.

Let's leave unsaid what's left unspoken.
___ The child had decided. Hybrid was glad in a way that it would not be him who would have to watch over him when they went exploring, for the simple decision showed that Andrezej could think for himself. To be able to think, to calculate, to determine at the worst times was a skill few posessed. For the youth of the clan, merely becoming their own individual could be difficult. Sometimes it seemed as though life within a clan was restricting and suffocating, a hierarchy of power and loathing. Perhaps that was what made it all so fun for some: the politics of reason. It seemed annoying, unecessary and redundant to Hybrid. He had no need for it and he wondered if Andre would turn out the same.
___ Hybrid did not smile at the other, but rather, regarded him with a wary eye. Were he a responsible individual, he might question the child's reasoning or at least try to stop him. But he did not care; even worse, he supported it. Andrezej had better not get himself killed. Hybrid watched silently as Andrezej left, gazing after the child's retreating form for a few moments before speaking up. "Have fun, kitty, kitty, kitty," he shouted after the other mockingly. Although he was somewhat proud of the child, this did not inhibit his ability to throw stones at him. If anything, it made it more fun to make fun of him, laugh at him, hurt him. But never to kill him.


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