deep in the town of Chewandswallow
Nipping at the side of the rabbit the dark male knew it would stop and try to nip at him soon enough. The hunter was willing to wait, and nip at the rabbit till it couldn’t take any more, then he saw it, there was one running that she hadn’t got on top of at the start. He lunged at the rabbit pulled it towards him, as he quickly shifted his paws to go opposite’s way, he heard the snap and it twitched a bit but the male knew it was dead and gone. He left it where it passed at as he spun around lowering his head down and pushing to catch up with her, he couldn’t very well leave a prize like one go.
This would be the first time the male had worked one on one with some one that wasn’t in his pack, on the hunt. He had taken Jazper out once but that was for teaching reasons. He didn’t really even hunt then; he was there in case something happened. This was the real deal, he pushed digging in trying to corner the rabbit off and make it shift its path of running towards her. The male came within a few feet of the kill, as he smacked his blood soaked lips. Lunging at the rabbit, it eyes saw what was coming, they where wide in fear as it spun around running right towards the grey lady, the male smiled with a nod, yes things were going as he had hoped. He didn’t stop running though, he pushed to keep up with the rabbit as it ran towards the lady, he would jump to the left or right if the rabbit made him, but he was hoping it would be stupid and fall right into her path.

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