Take these broken wings and learn to FLY
So the former Twilight Vale members were comoing together to form another pack. A change in territory didn't bother Ehno at all. In fact, he thought it would be nice to venture westward, to the other side of the lake. Maybe it was just a bit of wanderlust that still stuck with him, bue he thought it would be interesting to see what lay out there. Yet he was also comforted by the fact that they'd still be living in the mansion.

Ehno watched as the white male joined them at the end of Naniko's words, feeling a little relieved that he wasn't the only one to join in the discussion late. He didn't recognize the other late-comer, but it appeared that Savina did, as he took a seat beside her and gave her an affectionate nudge. Ehno glanced at his sister at this, an eyebrow raised and a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. Well, well, wasn't this interesting? He'd have to bug her about it later. But for now, his thoughts returned to the topic at hand. "Shifting the lands westward sounds like a fine idea to me. Never been there myself, but it sounds pleasant enough. "

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