she will be loved.
She smiled softly, the rain falling light on her pelt as they stood there teasing and taunting the forces of nature. The teenage gesture was met with a smirk as the dark hued male made his introduction. She nodded at his rank, knowing nothing of the pack he was actually a member of other than where they resided. "Esper Hollow, what's it like there, I've yet to make my way to meet some of the other packs.." She'd known a few of the packs, but here and there were a loner or a pack she hadn't had time to deal with yet. The workings of a pack and family demanded a lot of time which gave her little for the rest of the world.

It seemed that the boy had become lost in thought as she watched him, waiting to see what he'd speak of his pack. She was rather curious to see what the pack was like but the views of a packmate from those lands would do. She smiled as it seemed that the boy had finally came back to life with a shake of his head and an apology on his lips. She returned the smile as he explained just what had stole his attention as she asked with a raised brown. "Oh, and does this love have a name?" She had no clue who resided in Esper Hollow but she knew so many that had lived in the packs that had dissolved that there was a chance she may know the lucky lass, or lad...

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