come closer [m]
She had been perched on a rocky overhang peering down into the tidepool as she stood ready with the spear to throw the next blow to the unexpecting prey that swam back and forth calmly in the tides. Her fangs were bared as quickly the spearhead flashed in the sunlight as the life below water was ended. Her deadly emerald eyes sparkled as she pulled the still thrashing fish from the seawater and leapt down from the overhang and began to trek from one outcrop to another before she reached softer sands to dine.

Crouching down on all four the golden bronze woman growled softly as she gutted the large fish and threw the discards to the gulls before they tried to overpower her for the sweet flesh of the fish. Quickly she peeled the skin away, exposing the soft white meat below as she savored the taste on her tongue, forgetful of the world around her as for a moment there was nothing that could harm her, no nightmares chasing her through the lands. No accusing eyes that peered through her soul, reading the events of her life within moments.

Her normally toned belly was slightly balloned, the need to fill her stomach was what drove her to the sea today though she didn't want to eat. Her eyes flashed at the memory of what had happened, of what she'd been subject to as she dropped the remains of her dinner, one hand touching the soft fur of her abdomen as she closed her eyes and sat quietly. She thought she could feel the movement of the beast's children inside her but she wasn't sure. She was merely a child, having a child of her own hadn't been a thought even in her mind. One hand gripped tight on the spear as she ran her nails softly across her skin, wishing death to the spawn that she assumed grew inside her.

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