light a candle -aw-
His rainstorm orbs watched her softly as she finally had taken notice to him, the fright that he'd given her was apparent at the gasp that flashed in that instant and the silence that followed until she spoke. Her words seemed uncertain as she answered his greeting. His fingers curled around the pocket knife he'd been using to scrape away at the rust of the ironcast stairs he rested upon.

Leaning back he smiled at the woman, the dull glitter of the blade in his hand as it clicked softly against the metal of the wroth railing as he watched her, utterly relaxed in the space where he knew she was not. "Boo." was the only word he said, the damp scent of her fur seeming to blossom in the enclosed space, yet the scent that reached him was mingled with one he knew well.

Raising a brow at the oddity of it all he smirked and wondered just how long it would be before the lady excused herself back out into the dark damp world she'd just escaped from. "Are you afraid of the dark?" he asked softly, wondering just who this little lady he'd happened upon was.

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