light a candle -aw-


Moments passed, and she adjusted to the dank and dark world within the lighthouse. Eyes wandered up, over the staircase and into the even darker abyss above them. The clicking noise of his movements was all that could be heard, until he spoke. The words brought her eyes back to him swiftly, trying to make out what he held. A weapon of course, Anu hated such devices, and instantly she began to worry. Her mind tried to calm herself, not all wielding beasts where violent ones and there were many other used for the tools then just for sadistic actions.

His voice was grave, but the conditions within the tower were much better then out of it. He made her cautious, but did not make her step outside. Taking another slow breath she mustered up the courage, now able to see him fully, and addressed him with more confidence. “Of course not.” He had only been teasing of course. How could a full grow wolf be frightened of the dark. She let her voice hold the air of laughter.

“Just wasn’t expecting to find anyone here, that’s all.” She brushed some of the water that had accumulated off her arm, attempting to warm and comfort herself at the same time. Looking over him she couldn’t help but notice his coyote appearance. She fought to find the Inferni scent on him, but thankfully did not. Though, in her experiences, those wolves were not anymore hostile then she was.

“I’m Anu. "She hoped that if she set the bar to pleasant, he would feel obligated to meet it.


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