pillars of salt


(!@#$%)As far as he knew, nobody in Inferni had extensive healing knowledge--he assumed Gabriel knew a thing or two about setting bones and basic first aid (as he did), but that was about it. Hybrid and Samael struck him as fellows more bent on destruction and taking lives rather than healing and saving them. He knew that a couple joiners had shown up speaking of their experience as medics, but they had all vanished within less than a month. He didn't know about Corona or anybody else that might know a thing or two, either. I'm sorry, but I do not... he trailed off, although he was still thinking. An idea came to him.

(!@#$%)This may be a shot in the dark, but it's better than nothing, I guess. There's a pack to the north east on the mountain called Shadowed Sun. Their pack philosophy revolves around learning. Presumably at least somebody there knows medicine? he thought aloud. Then again, he wasn't sure if any of the wolves would be willing to trek halfway across the land just to help some coyote's sick friends... but again, it was worth a shot. He shrugged a little, somewhat frustrated that he couldn't do more about this. Maybe it'd be worth his time to study medicine more extensively--then Inferni would have a capable medic on hand at all times. But did he have time for that? It seemed like such a daunting task. Either way, good luck. If I hear anything I'll let you know... and I'll probably try to see how you all are faring over time, he said.

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