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The sandy female must have been one hell of a master of disguise! Boomer started slightly as a voice sounded behind him; how had he not noticed her before? Crickey, he must've been zoning out again. One hand rose up to scratch behind his ears thoughtfully as he peered at her with curious golden eyes. I suppose so; been doin' it since as long as I can remember, at least, he said with a light laugh, shrugging, Australian accent muddled with countless others to the point it was practically unrecognisable. Seafood was basically all he'd eaten during the journey across the Atlantic, and in some ways it surprised him that he wanted it again so soon. After landfall, he'd been on a strictly mammalian diet for a few weeks... rabbit, squirrel, woodchuck... deer while he was still with the others and they could hunt in a group.
But today, he'd decided he missed the taste of fish and that it was probably one of the easiest ways to get food. It might have taken about the same amount of time (or more) than tracking down and planning a hunt, but there was no chase involved--the food came right to you! Just then, he felt another tug on his line. A delighted smile crossed his face, and he gave the line a quick jerk. The fish on the other end struggled to get away, but Boomer reeled in the line quickly. He didn't want this one to get away! Before long, the fish was out of the water and thrashing about wildly. He grasped it firmly in one hand then with a quick, calculated snap broke its spine. It stopped moving, he tossed it to the ground on shore, and cast out the line again. Now that he had company, he'd need to catch at least another fish.

table by jesile/amanda! <3


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