light a candle -aw-
With one loud snap he switched the blade and closed it in a heartbeat and even quicker flicked it open once more. Leaning forward as her eyes seemed to search the male he smiled that dark little smirk that had graced his lips since his childhood as the brat prince. Those silvery bangs fell across his moody eyes as he studied the woman studying him, his mind wondering just why the lady's scent mingled so close to his sisters yet he didn't have will to ask, not just yet. He didn't want to know if Naniko knew happiness when it was so hard for him to even find middle ground in this world.

His eyes turned away as she began to finally come back to life, building up all she needed to answer his question. The switch and flash of the butterfly knife a constant blur and distranction as her words filled the void. When she gave the excuse of not expecting anyone in the building he rolled his head to gaze at her as he spoke. "Yes, but there's always unseen dangers in the dark.." he said with a bored grin.

When she offered a name he scoffled at the idea of such manners in greeting as he opened the blade again with a flick of his wrist. "Yeah, and I'm nobody.." he muttered. Dark thoughts were lingering in his head. There was a clan member out there that needed his name branded on his flesh and he intended to find and make that happen. He had a right to it, atleast by his own laws he did. Samuel had taken something from Firefly, DaVinci would take what he pleased from the bastard in the clan. Those cloudy orbs flashed back to the woman as he gave a false smile to the girl.

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