teeth the size of piano keys

indentWith the subject of Firefly behind them, Kansas allowed his mind and attention to drift from her sad memory to Icarus and their "search". He knew the leaves had been on the ground for a while, but it seemed appropriate to mention at least something different, as so far they hadn't discovered much. Besides, the naked trees looked very eerie and threatening, their limbs jutting out at odd angles, sharp and rigid. Icarus’ approval lit up Kansas’ face, and he let himself smile toward his bright-eyed brother.

indentThe scent of the forest seemed to thicken as they neared each pile of leaves, waning when they drew away from them. Kansas giggled and followed his brother’s gaze to the gnarled tree, and, once he saw it, the boy backed up a little and his ears folded backward for a few seconds. Oh! Tha’ one gives me the heebie-jeebies, he responded softly, a bit frightfully. He watched his brown brother leap into a pile of leaves, and attempted to jump right on top of them, just for a little dose of childlike chaos.


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