drunk with vivid flame
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_____“Why it's… a machine, that pitches,” he said, swinging his gaze and general direction back to face her with a wiry grin. “Supposedly it shoots out things about the size of an apple if you give it one, but they're all dead for some reason or another. Machines, man's things, you know.” He shrugged, not really having the faintest clue what they were beyond that. Of all the things he had ever tangled with, it had not been one of those, though he had seen it. And what a funny contraption it was. But on the other hand, the fact that folks were getting better instilled some hope into him too. “But if I had to say anything about what time you decided to get sick, it's a good time. They've probably just about got a cure.”

_____That was what he hoped, anyway. Laurel hadn't thought about what it would mean if they didn't have a cure, though part of him had made an easy end of the line resolve to pack up and go if things came out that bad. If they all got sick and died and he wasn't out of his mind or sick, he'd be gone, simple as that. It seemed like since they had set their foot in the place, Murphy's Law became the normal thing that made sense. Anything that could go wrong, simply did. He regarded her gaze for a moment, catching the prompt that was there. “You want a drink? I reckon if I'm going to keep an eye on you, we may as well enjoy part of it.” It wasn't like there was anywhere to put her that she wouldn't do harm to herself or someone else. Knife or not, they had teeth and claws.


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