the thin red line
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Truth be told, Haku did not know what had happened to Talitha. It was a flaw of his. He had believed he had kept her safe from the rest, locked inside a tall building with no escape routes. Else from being actually imprisoned she had been treated quite nicely. Haku had surprised herself. Though, he saw the looks from the coyotes, and his eyes darted quickly to search out the female's features now that his thoughts finally were settling and clearing his mind. His face did not change, nor the careless expression in his eyes, but he felt disappointment thick and poisonous enter his system. It was too late for any explanations, and the young female coyote would probably never see him again. Haku was the enemy, and she hated him. Maybe he should have taken better notice when her fiery hate and energy dropped below zero. He had just... not paid attention and just thought she was tired of her outbursts. He now knew that he had been wrong.

A swift movement and his darling Firefly was gone. For once he had problems handling his emotions, and a brief flash of disappointment dashed across his face. Then when suddenly another unknown male entered, he turned his face towards the gray hybrid and bared his fangs, knowing he would get the blame for bringing backups to the hostage exchange. He turned back to facing the two leaders of Inferni and lowered his features slightly, and took a few steps backwards before stopping up and watching the de le Poer girl slowly walk to her family. He was surprised Gabriel did not go for his throat instantly, as he very well knew that whatever had happened to Talitha was his fault. It did not matter what Gabriel would hear from his daughter. It did not matter who had treated her that badly. Haku had failed keeping the hostage safe, and only he could be blamed for her injuries.


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