hey mister jack
mall-caps;color:#880000;font-family:verdana;font-size:10px;">seven for a secret, never to be told

        There was something, or someone ahead in the shadows. Mingled in with the rainsoaked, morning air was a scent that smelled fresh and alive—and very close by. Movements slow and precise, stepping carefully to try and deaden the sound of his footfall, Samael slunk toward the creature he sensed. It was a coyote for sure—one of the beings that chose willingly live with wolves? Or perhaps even one of the strange leaders he'd heard about. He paused, eventually finding the male standing beside a tree. Gaze looked him up and down, taking in his bizarre appearance and peculiar choice of attire.
        "Who are you?" he demanded quietly, tone neutral as it broke through the otherwise quiet morning. His own pose wasn't threatening, but rather laid back and apathetic as he regarded the stranger. Vaguely, he was trespassing by standing on the borders here, but his curiosity was yet to be sated, and he wanted to know what was going on here in this patch of forest. Wolves hated coyotes, and coyotes hated wolves. How could they live together peacefully? Most of Inferni's members were comprised of hybrids and such, but that didn't mean the two species intermingled willingly. They chose one path or the other: to be a wolf, or a coyote. They couldn't be both. Both worlds didn't coincide. It just didn't happen.

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