darkness becomes

Adelaida smirked at the male. He merely wished to be accepted? That was not so hard. Even she was accepted, as biased and cruel as she could be. Being accepted only meant that one had to find their niche in this world. Perhaps others are only mirroring how you think they will react. You wish for others to treat you as they’d like to be treated? Do you do the same? Do you wish others to be presumptuous and accusing towards you? That’s how you’ve treated me. I think a lot of your misery is of your own making... I’m sure you have others out there who accept you, parents, siblings, a friend or two. Everyone does, most people are just too wrapped up in themselves to realize it. They like to be victims. Adelaida spoke but it was Alexey’s voice she was hearing in her own head. She knew that her sister would have similar words to say, that the lecture she was giving DaVinci could easily have been a lecture Alexey was giving her. Adelaida also knew that DaVinci would probably go on being a victim, whether truly or in his own head, as Adelaida would go on being biased against luperci and coyotes, despite if they deserved it or not. It was just their nature.

Would I have? Adelaida blinked at the question, it was so blunt. But she was honest, she couldn’t help it. Probably, if we lived in a perfect world such unions would never have occurred in the first place. But you’re here and alive and so you need to deal with it. Like they all had to deal with there own personal demons, as Adelaida was trying to now.


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