make haste along the way under full sail
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It was that proud smile that certainly set things a true ease around Valentine, who was quite proud of his heritage. Though he didn't know very much about his mother's side of the family, he had been around his father's at various points in their lives. In sense, had he not inherited his mother's honey-gold eyes, he could have easily been the spitting image of his father in all of that dark-furred glory. “Her name is Akumu, and she was a friend of your mothers. She used to lived in Jaded Shadows for quite some time,” he said, wondering fate would have it that these two had also met on a whim. “She eventually moved to Syemv, I think your Uncle asked her to. My father is Cross, who was from Storm, but he also moved to Syemv after my mother, which is where I was born.” It was quite a mouthful, but something that Valentine took pride in. Just as he would eventually take pride in being a second generation of Shadower, too.


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