Take these broken wings and learn to FLY
I'm thinking we'll just do both in this thread and people can just pay attention to the posts made by those in their group. Then once we're done James suggested we just have a leader howl to "come home". Smile
wc 433

Savina listened carefully to both Jazper and Naniko's statements and comments. It would be good to have some of the territory different than what Twilight Vale's had been. And if the western areas had good hunting that would be more than helpful. Soon they would have more mouths to feed and be one less adult to help with keeping the food cache up. There were plenty of them to do the hunting, they just needed the game to hunt for.

His scent reached her nose before she even saw him, and her heart leapt. The tip of her bushy ebon tail wagged happily as Kansas joined them and sat next to her. Warmth went down her spine as he nudged her cheek. Ever since their talk she had felt so much closer to him. She kept the necklace he had given her on a small table in her room. The girl worried if she wore it in her non-shifted form she would risk losing the lovely gift. It was then she realized that no one knew about them yet. Immediately her emerald orbs shifted to find her brother. Ehno's reaction was exactly what she expected: raised eyebrow and a slight smile, curiosity and the urge to tease her clear in his amber eyes. At this her ears folded back a bit softly, the giddiness impossible to hide in her expressive eyes.

Then, quite unexpectedly, Pilot showed up. Savina was very happy to see him there and was overjoyed that he would be a part of this new pack. She was so thankful that he would be around to help take care of Nani and the pups. Having a healer around other than Naniko would take loads of pressure of the alphess. The less she had to worry about while the pups were growing the better. It seemed that the matter of where to settle was taken care of, and now they just needed to mark borders. The dark femme was excited that coincidentally Pilot had teamed Kansas and Ehno up with herself. This would be a good opportunity to introduce the two of them. She just hoped her brother wouldn't tease her too much.

"Sounds good! We'll take to the west, so Naniko doesn't have to walk too far." That said the sable wolf elegantly got to her feet. Her tail lovingly brushed against Kansas as she began to walk forward. She couldn't contain her excitement any more and took off at a run. "Come on you two!" Her voice was playful, dancing around in the air as she glided across the ground.


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