struttin into town like your slingin a gun

"Only guilty people run. You feel guilty about what you did yet?” She stared at him blankly. "I didn't do anything!" she screamed. "You're fucking crazy!" His claws were digging into her painfully, and the pressure from his foot was ever increasing. She whimpered, struggling to get away. "Damnit, let me get up! I never did anything to you, you stupid fuck!" She was thrashing now, mud coating her pristine pelt.
Finally, her energy mostly spent, she laid there panting, glaring balefully at her attacker. Fear mixed with anger, making her heart race and her body quake, and her feeble glare laughable. She was no different from a trapped rabbit. She was helpless against this male, and it infuriated her. She hated being helpless. "What the hell did I ever do to you?!" Her voice came out as a whine, puny and adolescent.


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