hey mister jack
mall-caps;color:#880000;font-family:verdana;font-size:10px;">seven for a secret, never to be told

        Laurel was the stranger's name. Samael remained quiet, giving no sign or recognition he'd even heard the other speak, but just watched him as though waiting for something to happen—regarding him with the note of vague curiosity that had drawn him all this way to the borders of this pack. "Curiosity," he said, giving the honest reason for his visit. "Is it true," he asked, voice flat and emotionless, "that this pack is made up of both coyotes and wolves?" A note of disgust had crept into his last word, crossing the prince's face for the briefest of moments. "That wolves actually bow their heads to coyotes?" A peculiar phenomenon and an unbelievable spectacle, Samael had to see it to believe it. It went against nature. Wolves killed coyotes for prey and amusement, and coyotes killed wolves in revenge for their fallen brethren. It was the cycle of life and the way things were meant to be.

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