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"Is this the right thing?.." Deuce studied him quietly, her eyes full of sympathy and compassion. "Is it the right thing to keep your sister from bearing pups she doesn't want? You are a child of rape, you know the stigmatism. I bore a child of rape...I know the pain of looking at the child, and remembering it's father's sins. My lover bore a child of rape. She abandoned it. Do you wish either of those on your sister?"

It wasn't easy, and she spoke again to say as much. "It's never easy to end a life, Da'Vinci. Especially not one innocent of it's father's crimes. Especially not one who hasn't had the chance to live. But if we force firefly to bear the pups, she would possibly abandon them. And they would starve, a far more painful death than the one we propose for them. The death we grant them is painless for them, and less hurtful for Firefly."

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