ephemeral diseases; j

Contact info plz?

(!@#$%)The emaciated male had caught Anselm's attention quickly, as any potential joiner or trespasser might. Negative energy radiated from the thin fellow, too--he seemed rather anxious or unnerved. Quite the opposite, Anselm raised his tail and ears as he approached swiftly, red eyes roving over the coyote's form. The wolfish hybrid's face contorted into an undefined expression that betrayed some mixture of disgust, curiosity, and a tinge of concern. You look like hell, he stated flatly, figuring it was safe to assume the stranger was seeking acceptance amongst their ranks. Nobody showed up to attack in that sort of condition, at least (and even if they did... well, fuck 'em).

(!@#$%)He continued to gaze on expectantly, obviously expecting some sort of explanation for the other's poor physical state. Inferni was the home of fighters; they were all generally expected to take care of themselves and this male was clearly old enough to do so, so what was the excuse? Did he just not care like Samael? Or had he been captured like Lorri? Was he older than he looked and just frail from age? Whatever the reason, he hoped that the stranger had a good excuse and some kind of skills to offset the strike against him. They weren't running some charity soup kitchen here, and anybody simply looking for handouts or protection with nothing to offer in return meant little to him. Regardless, anybody who'd survived this far had been able to do so for a reason--he just needed to figure out what it was.

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