ephemeral diseases; j
e-mail i'd rather not publicly give out but my aim sn is satan sundays.[html]
The reaction he received from the stranger was one he'd been anticipating, and as such he'd already built up a reply that would hopefully put the odds more in his favor than out. Arden knew no pack would admit a straggler who looked like he could barely lift a rock with his left paw. Despite his less than favorable condition, mentally the coyote was stronger than he'd ever been (after all he'd endured, this conclusion was inevitable). Yellow eyes regarded the hybrid before him with a cursory glance that quickly fell to the ground in reverence; no fool to the ways in which acceptance processes went, the male wasn't going to foil his chances of gaining access into Inferni by being disrespectful at the borders. Tail drooped low in between his back hindquarters as he shifted his stance momentarily, gaze never wavering from the ground that lay beneath his feet. Anxiety made the contents of his empty stomach churn with agitation, but he did his best to show none of it.
A million response suggestions pervaded his conscious thought at once, but when he tried to speak the words became impeded. Arden bit hard at his lip, so hard in fact that the faint, metallic taste of blood was tasted on his tongue. He was going to have to spit out a damn good reason for why he looked like shit, otherwise his attempt at joining Inferni would be almost laughable. Who would want an inadequate, feeble mess? "I feel like it, too. I've been traveling for nearly five months now. My name is Arden del Mier and, as you've probably already inferred, I'm here to seek acceptance into Inferni. I realize my current state of well-being isn't promising, but I assure you -- with time -- I can prove to be a worthy asset." He offered, and then fell silent.

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