don't ask why, don't cry, don't make a scene

He didn't know. No one ever seemed to know. They had the same words, the same questions, the same answers. Laruku was tired, so very, very tired of it all, and he wondered whether there was a point in saying anything else at all because he had, undoubtedly, said it all before. (The answer is that there's never a point, isn't it?) He found that he didn't really even want answers anymore. The validity of any set of words was questionable, and he didn't believe in anything. So really, what was an "answer"? More meaningless thoughts, more meaningless everything. I don't either, he said, quiet, voice holding no feeling, no tone. What he said meant nothing. What he did meant nothing.

He leaned against his friend and set his head on his shoulder. Touch. Meaningless, right? Love, maybe. Feelings, maybe. Betrayal and risk and heartbreak and a desperate neediness, maybe. His mind ached and the demon laughed again. In the end, it would mean nothing.

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