living breathing demons
*salutes... also got carried away!*
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_____She hadn't drove her punch in very hard, but it was enough to drive the attacked into a dazed state, though she more or less put her own lights out when her head met the floor. It took Corona a couple of moments to grapple with the fact that everything had been so sudden. There was no doubt in her mind that she was being attacked because she was from Inferni, but she didn't know that she was getting it from both sides of the family name and cross she bore. Letting out a breath, she took advantage of the time to look over the white-haired woman, taking note of the wound at her side and the various scars that were noticeable on her body as she crouched down beside her.

_____She'd been in a fight recently, there was a little to deny that based on the wound at her side and Corona momentarily remembered the way Samael and Hybrid had gone after the wolf that had run away from her not all that along ago. Then she had realised what their purpose had been for Inferni and just how much of an opposite hers was. But aside from knocking herself out, she seemed okay, her breathing was regulated, she wasn't overly warm to the touch, and a check of her pulse panned out to tell Corona that she wasn't going to go into shock. If internal bleeding was mostly ruled out, the next thing to do would be to restrain her.

_____Rising up and looking around, Corona decided to check in the room nearest to where they were to find something that would have done the trick. Past the closed door and behind a curtain, she found the restraints, though they were attached to a gurney. But that would certainly do the the trick, and she once she figured out how to get it to move, she pushed it out into the hallway. Lugging the wolf over and onto it wasn't too hard to do either, mostly because her smaller size compared to Corona (even if it was only a few inches or pounds in either way) made the job easier and a couple of minutes later, she had her fastened right on that gurney.

_____Once that was taken care of, she decided that was the most appropriate place to break out the goodies to clean the wound, at which point she started on. It had gotten infected, but that was nothing that a little peroxide and fresh bandages couldn't fix. She could even tell that the wolf had done some of the work herself—she too, could have possibly be a healer of some sort, Corona imagined—but the gold-haired Lykoi chose to stitch up the worse of the wounds, working quietly and quickly. There was a definite part of her that was angry at being attacked in such a place, but that was why she had restrained her, it was why she didn't intend to leave her alone once the job had been done.

_____When the woman had been patched up, Corona rolled the gurney right back into the room where she had found it and closed the door, letting the darkness engulf them entirely save for the low lighting that seeped in around the door frame itself. She'd wait now, fully ready to either undo what she had already done to help if things didn't pan out in the right way. The wolf may have been sorry to ever cross paths with Ahren, but there were no doubt things that Corona was capable of to make her regret ever dealing with one of several who stood at the crux of two kinds of crazy.


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